Uncertainty. 24/7 always-on culture. Rapid change. Technology.
How can our brains and bodies adapt to this frantic world?
Mindfulness-based resilience skills. That's how. And the credible research evidence is growing by the month.
Once seen as fluffy nonsense by critics, mindfulness-based skills are now embedded into the culture of global banks, software giants, professional services firms and consumer-facing organisations.
Mindfulness training is proving to be vital in schools, universities, the military, police forces and Parliaments around the world.

Recent discoveries in neuroscience have shown us that our brain is not actually 'hard-wired', but can be changed and shaped over time.
fMRI scans of the brain show that practising mindfulness-based skills can transform our neural pathways for the better. We can train our attention, transform our minds and rewire our brain!
A growing body of credible research evidence highlights the positive impact mindfulness- based training has on employee wellbeing and performance.
Increased resilience
Reduced stress and anxiety
Clearer decsion-making
Better problem-solving
Improved focus and concentration
Greater creativity and innovation
More productive meetings
Improved employee engagement
Enhanced communication
Stronger teams and leaders
Greater confidence around change
Wiser response to uncertainty
Improved mental and physical health